Shark A-Z Guide

*Thanks to the “Sharks” book by Usborne Discovery for giving us facts. Thanks also to the “All About Sharks” book by Jim Armosky. Jim Armosky is a famous author and illustrator of over 100 books! Thanks! Some of these sharks will have a ‘maximum length’ by them. If a shark picture has a ~ by it then click on it to open up a bigger picture!

Angel shark-   This stingray type shark has a broad flatten body. Angel sharks eat fish, crustaceans, and different kinds of mollusks. Here’s a warning: if your swimming in the ocean where angel sharks are around, make sure you don’t trip on one because (even though there not aggressive) they will attack! We would put more info, but there’s not that much info we could put on this!


Basking shark-  And you thought your sister (or brother) had a big mouth? Well, think again, because this basking shark has a big mouth, black eyes, and is the second biggest fish in the world! Basking sharks are filter- feeders that eat zoo plankton (the animal-like plankton), small fish, and invertebrates. This big fish is very friendly and rather not eat you.

Black tip reef shark-  This fish is called a black tip reef shark and it mainly eats reef fish, but they also eat sturgeon and mullet. Black tip reef sharks are usually small, so they aren’t that scary, but, then again, they are on the top ten attack shark list.

Blue Shark-With the longest migration for a shark of 3,800 miles, it has many other names. Some include the Blue Dog and Blue Whaler. It can grow up to 6 to 12.5 feet; the biggest was 12.5 feet. It weighs 260 to 400 pounds; the biggest weighed 490 pounds! Whoa!  

Bull shark- Maximum length: 12 feet; This dangerous shark is #1 on the deadliest shark list and #3 on the attack list. This shark lives in warm coastal salt water but don’t think your safe in the fresh water. The massive Bull shark often travels up streams and have been found as high as north in rivers as 2500 miles up the amazon river and up to the great lakes in Illinois and Michigan. Males can get up to 6 feet long and females to 11 feet. so if your in the Mississippi River or in the Gulf of Mexico; watch out!!!!


Cat shark- There are four types of cat sharks: the bamboo cat shark, the broad mouth cat shark, the marbled cat shark, and the humpback cat shark. They are very mysterious sharks that live close to the bottom. *Sorry that we don’t have a picture, we can’t find one!

Cookie Cutter Shark – The cookie cutter shark is a pretty small shark that can grow up to 50 cm. The cookie cutter shark has a cigar shaped body and very sharp teeth. If you ever get bitten by one you’ll understand why its called the ‘Cookie Cutter Shark!!’ The cookie cutter’s bite mark is rounded and it looks like a cookie!!


Dogfish- The dogfish is normally 24 to 48 inches long. Another name for the dogfish is Squalidae. There teeth on there upper and lower jaws are the same.  It eats small fish, squid, and crustaceans. Its mouth is full of low, flat, grinding teeth. The Dogfish also has the largest lifespan of 70-100 years.

E- none


Frilled Shark-  The frilled shark is a type of shark that lives mostly in Chile, South Africa, Norway, and New Zealand. It can be found in depths 50m and 1,500m down. They typically eat squid, other sharks, and deep water bony fish. Not much is known on the frilled shark, but on January 21, 2007 in Tokyo they found ‘an eel like fish with sharp teeth.’ The fish was soon identified as a female frilled shark.


Goblin Shark-  The goblin shark (as shown in the picture to the left) as a long pointed horn shaped thing on its head. They eat deep-sea squid, crabs, and deep-sea fish. Even though the Goblin Shark is very rare and mysterious, it is not classified as a endangered or threatened species. Most Goblin Sharks caught are from Japan.

Great Hammerhead-  Maxium length: 20 feet; Great Hammerheads are great hunters with one eye on each side of its ‘hammer’ head, to see prey on each side. This shark is 11.5 feet; the largest hammerhead ever reported was about 20 feet. This interesting looking shark weighs about 500 pounds (average), but it can grow up to 1,000 pounds!! Great Hammerheads eat rays (their cousins) and small sharks. 

Great White Shark-  Maxium length: 24 feet; The Great White is a large shark that can grow up to about 20 feet and weigh 5,000 ibs and is known for it’s white belly. This great shark loves to eat seals, rays, tunas, fish, sea turtles, porpoises, and whale carcasses. The Great White is the largest known predatory fish. It is also an apex predator meaning it has no natural enemies in the ocean. The only predators to GW’s are humans. A lot of people know Great White Sharks from the movie ‘Jaws’ (based on REAL shark attacsk in New Jersey) by Universal Studios and Stephen Spielberg. *Note: Some pictures of Great Whites you see on the Internet are FAKE.


Horn shark-  The horn shark’s habitat is the coral reefs. They live in kelp beds, sand flats, crevices, and caverns. It feeds on invertebrates, primarily sea urchins, crabs, abalone (group of shellfish, mollusks), and other fish. The eggs of this shark is the color of kelp and is spiral-shaped and sometimes float on to beach shores.


Izu Cat Shark- The Izu is a type of cat shark that is only known to live in Japan. It lives at depths down to 100 meters. This type of shark lays eggs. They have also been bred in captivity in the Shimoda Floating Aquarium in Japan. *No picture because we couldn’t find one!


Japanese spurdog- From the dogfish family, this shark is about 91 cm in length. It lives near Japan and is a ovoviviparous meaning it is born live. It inhabits continental shelves and uppermost slopes at depths from 150 to 300 m. *No picture


Kitefin shark- ~ Kitefin sharks are types of dogfish and are found in the Atlantic, western Mediterranean, and western Indian Ocean. They are also found in the Pacific. There babies are born live and they can have up to 10 to 20 young at a time. They are found alone or in small schools on the continental shelf. Color is dark gray to almost black. They feed on bony fish, skates, other sharks, cephalopods (octopus), and crustaceans.

Knifetooth Dogfish-~ The Knifetooth Dogfish is a harmless shark that is found in the eastern Atlantic in Scotland, Spain, and Portugal. This ‘dogfish’ is also a very rare species. It’s flesh is turned into a dish called fishmeal. It’s color is black and it has a short snout kind of like the Goblin Shark. The Knifetooth’s length is up to 1.1 m.


Lemon Shark-  #10 on the Top Ten Attack Sharks, the Lemon shark can grow up to 10 feet. They live in the western Bahamas. In France it is called requin citirn and it can weigh up to 200 pounds. It can swim up to 20 mph.   

Leopard leopard shark is a type of hound shark and is found along the coast of North America. They mainly eat clams, spoon worms, crabs, shrimp, bony fish, and fish eggs. They are harmless to humans and they have a fat body with a rounded snout.


Milk Shark- Several freshly caught, slender gray sharks with long snouts and large eyes, lying on a pier They are about 3.6 feet long on average, live in 660 feet of water, and it is found in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian ocean along the coast of Africa, Asia, and Australia. The males weigh up to 49 pounds while the females way up to 37 pounds.


Nurse Shark-  They can reach up to 14 feet and weigh up to 330 pounds. Even though it may not seem dangerous, its in the top ten attack sharks (its actually #5 according to “Discovery’s Top Ten Attack Sharks” book). They are nocturnal animals spending the day in large inactive groups of up to 40 nurse sharks.



  1. sweet! thats so cool!

  2. they look scary!

    • no way they look awsome!

  3. thanks for the page it was very useful!

  4. but this dosent go up to Z ! Where is it? 🙂

  5. Sarah,
    We are currently working on the rest of this. It takes a long time you know 🙂 ! Do you have any suggestions?? ANYONE?? Your welcome Sarah, by the way. Thanks to you to for visiting our site!

  6. Hello!

  7. Thanks for the page! Now I know almost all about sharks.

  8. Thanks it much help!!but i kinda needed a shark that starts with s its for my a-z project at school but i hear that your working on that thanks agian!!


  9. but you were great help

  10. Your welcome 🙂 and Emily, might I suggest the Sand-tiger shark for your project? They can grow up to 4-10 feet long, they live to around 15 years or more, and eat fish, squid, crab, and lobster. Sand tigers are one of the sharks that can be dangerous to humans. If you need any other info go to . If you don’t want to do the sand tiger shark, there are still many more (A LOT more) sharks that start with the letter S. Oh, and good luck on your project! =D

  11. There are a total of 26 different shark species to be spotted in the waters.

    All the best.

  12. Thanks this was soo helpful im doing an a-z book on sharks for ingles class 7th grade and this helped alot

  13. E – shark = Epaulette Shark
    Thank you for all of your research! You are doing a great job.

  14. you should add the Scientific names as well.

  15. Erin- that is a great idea!

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